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Table 1 Differential diagnosis of Mg deficiency in the ICU setting

From: Hypomagnesemia in critically ill patients

Gastrointestinal disorders

 Prolonged nasogastric suction

 Malabsorption syndromes

 Extensive bowel resection

 Acute and chronic diarrhea

 Intestinal and biliary fistulae

 Protein-calorie malnutrition (parenteral nutrition, anorexia, refeeding syndrome)

 Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis

 Primary intestinal hypomagnesemia (neonatal)

Renal loss

 Chronic parenteral fluid therapy

 Osmotic diuresis (glucose, mannitol, urea)



 Drugs (see Table 2)

 Metabolic acidosis (starvation, ketoacidosis, alcoholism)

 Renal diseases

  Chronic pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and glomerulonephritis

  Diuretic phase of acute tubular necrosis

  Postobstructive nephropathy

  Renal tubular acidosis

  Post-renal transplantation

  Primary renal hypomagnesemia