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Table 1 Proposed criteria for initiation of mobilization and exercise therapy in critically ill patients

From: Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Rehabilitation in Critically Ill Patients 2023 (J-ReCIP 2023)



Acceptance criterion value or condition

Subjective symptoms


(If self-reported) NRS ≤ 3 or VAS ≤ 30 mm

(If not self-reported) BPS ≤ 5 or CPOT ≤ 2

No intolerable pain/agony


No intolerable fatigue


No sudden dyspnea


Sedation, agitation (RASS)

-2 ≤ RASS ≤  + 1

(If there is not enough staff for safety management) RASS + 2 is acceptable

Consciousness level (GCS and JCS)

Opens eyes when called upon


Respiratory rate

5 breaths per minute ≤ RR ≤ 40 breaths per minute

Percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2)

SpO2 ≥ 88% or ≥ 90%

Fraction of inspiratory oxygen (FIO2)

FIO2 < 0.6

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)

PEEP < 10 cmH2O

Guidelines for mechanical ventilation management

Not set for lung rest

Cardiovascular system

Heart rate

40 bpm ≤ HR ≤ 130 bpm

Systolic blood pressure

90 mmHg ≤ sBP ≤ 180 mmHg

Mean arterial pressure

60 mmHg ≤ MAP ≤ 100 mmHg

Dose of hypertensive drug

No recent new drug initiation or dose increase prior to the start


No arrhythmia that could disrupt the hemodynamics

Myocardial ischemia

No ECG changes suggestive of new myocardial ischemia or no untreated myocardial ischemia


Device and catheter

Insertion site is properly immobilized


Intracranial pressure

ICP < 20 mmHg and no recent increase in ICP prior to start

Body temperature

BT < 38.5ºC

Not undergoing hypothermia therapy


No active bleeding

Hemoglobin concentration ≥ 7 g/dL

Skeletal system

No unstable fractures

Cerebrovascular event

No cerebrovascular events within 24 h


Thromboembolism is under control

Organ ischemia

No new-onset or uncontrolled organ ischemia

  1. Initiation of mobilization or exercise therapy requires the consent of patient or their families, and the use of the initiation criteria is based on obtaining consent from the patient or their families
  2. BT, body temperature; BPS, behavioral pain scale; CPOT, critical-care pain observation tool; FIO2, inspired oxygen fraction; ICP, intracranial pressure; NRS, numeric rating scale; RASS, Richmond agitation–sedation scale; RR, respiratory rate; VAS, visual analogue scale; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; HR, heart rate; sBP, systolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; BT, body temperature; GCS, Glasgow coma scale; JCS, Japan coma scale