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Fig. 4 | Journal of Intensive Care

Fig. 4

From: Neutrophils are a main source of circulating suPAR predicting outcome in critical illness

Fig. 4

Impact of inflammatory mediators on uPAR expression of human neutrophils and monocytes ex vivo. Primary human neutrophils (a, b) and monocytes (c) were isolated from healthy controls (n = 8), and uPAR expression was analyzed by flow cytometry. d Human neutrophils were incubated for 8 h either with 10% serum from healthy volunteers (control), interleukin-8 (IL 8, 100 ng/ml, in addition to 10% healthy human serum), macrophage supernatant (MP), or 10% sepsis serum (pooled from n = 4 sepsis patients. b Release of suPAR was analyzed in the supernatant of the neutrophil cultures. c Human macrophages were cultured for 5 days in 10% serum from healthy controls and subsequently exposed to 10% serum from sepsis patients for 48 h. As a positive control, macrophages were cultured for 6 days, followed by stimulation with LPS (100 ng/ml) + 10% healthy human serum for 24 h. d Release of suPAR in the supernatant from macrophage cultures with the different conditions

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