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Table 1 Dependent and independent variables for each regression model

From: Red cell transfusions as an independent risk for mortality in critically ill children

Dependent variable

Independent variables

Transfusion (y/n)

Hemoglobin concentration <7 g/dL, PIM2, PRISM III, day 1 PELOD, reason for PICU admission

PICU LOS (days)a

Age at admission, gender, transfusion, vasoactive agents, PIM2, PRISM III, day 1 PELOD, reason for PICU admission

Mortality (y/n)

Age at admissionc, gender, volume transfused (mL/kg), hemoglobin concentration, PIM2 score, PRISM III score, vasoactive agents, PIM2, PRISM III, day 1 PELOD, reason for PICU admission

Mortality (y/n)b

Age at admissionc, gender, time of transfusion, vasoactive agents, PIM2, PRISM III, day 1 PELOD, reason for PICU admission

  1. PICU pediatric intensive care unit, LOS length of stay
  2. aDue to non-normality of data, the natural log of PICU LOS was used
  3. bTransfused patients only
  4. cAges were divided by 10 prior to analysis for ease of interpretation of the odds ratio