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Table 1 Population characteristics ( n = 28)

From: Clinical characteristics of redback spider bites



Age (years)

32 (15.5–56.5)

 >65 years

4 (14.3%)

 <15 years

6 (21.4%)

Gender, male, n (%)

11 (39.3)

Bite site



12 (42.9)


5 (17.9)

Clinical symptoms




  Local pain, n (%)

25 (89.2)

  Edema, n (%)

13 (46.4)

  Erythema, n (%)

24 (85.7)

 Systemic symptoms

10 (35.7)

  Sweating, n (%)

2 (7.1)

  Headache, n (%)

2 (7.1)

  Nausea, n (%)

4 (14.8)

  Numbness on the abdomen, n (%)

2 (7.1)

  Systemic pain, n (%)

2 (7.1)

  Others (high grade fever at 39°C light headedness), n (%)

2 (7.1)

Vital signs on admission


 SBP (mmHg)

132 (123–150)

 BT (°C)

36.8 (36.4–37.1)

Laboratory data


 WBC (/mm3)

9,000 (6,597–9,600)

 Platelet count (×104/mm3)

23.6 (17.8–28.9)

 CK (IU/L)

156 (73–170)


33 (22–52)



 Antivenom, n (%)

6 (21.4)

 Analgesics, n (%)

8 (28.6)



 Hospital admission, n (%)

4 (14.3)

 ICU admission, n (%)

1 (3.6)

Mortality, n (%)

0 (0)

  1. Data are presented as median (interquartile range, IQR) for continuous variables and n (percentage) for categorical variables.
  2. SBP systolic blood pressure; BT body temperature; WBC white blood cell; CK creatine kinase; AST aspartate aminotransferase.