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Table 1 Characteristics of patients admitted to resuscitation and ICUs for COPD exacerbation in France over 24 months (2014-2015)

From: Association between increased mortality and bronchial fibroscopy in intensive care units and intermediate care units during COPD exacerbations: an analysis of the 2014 and 2015 National French Medical-based Information System Databases (PMSI)

Patient characteristics

Without fibroscopy

n = 11905


n = 2586


Median age (years)

74 [63 ; 82]

68 [59 ; 77]

< 0.001

Male sex

7490 (62.91%)

1907 (73.74%)

< 0.001

MLS (days)

13 [8 ; 21]

25 [15 ; 41]

< 0.001

Median SAPS 2

23 [0 ; 40]

28 [0 ; 45]

< 0.001

ICU admission

6857 (57.60%)

2113 (81.71%)

< 0.001

Bronchial tumour

336 (2.82%)

216 (8.35%)

< 0.001


2272 (19.08%)

810 (31.32%)

< 0.001

  1. Values are numbers (%) or medians [Q25, Q75]
  2. p-value for trend test; MLS median length of stay, ICU intensive care unit