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Table 4 Primary and Secondary outcomes per catheter

From: Occurrence and incidence rate of peripheral intravascular catheter-related phlebitis and complications in critically ill patients: a prospective cohort study (AMOR-VENUS study)

Primary outcome

 Phlebitis per catheter

Number of catheters/total PIVCs


Proportion, % (95% CI)

7.5 (6.9–8.2)

Time to phlebitisa, median (IQR), hours

36.3 (17.8–58.6)

Incidence rate per 100 intravenous catheter-days (95% CI)

3.3 (3.0–3.6)

Secondary outcomes


Number of catheters/total PIVCs


Proportion, % (95% CI)

0.04 (0.02–0.13)

Time to removalb, median (IQR), hours

481.5 (12.8–558.3)

Incidence rate per 1000 intravenous catheter-days (95% CI)

0.18 (0–0.39)

 Catheter failure

Number of catheters/total PIVCs


Proportion, % (95% CI)

21.0 (20.0–21.9)

Time to removalb, median (IQR), hours

48.3 (23.3–81.9)

Incidence rate per 100 intravenous catheter-days (95% CI)

9.1 (8.7–10.0)

  1. CI confidence interval, CRBSI catheter-related blood stream infection, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, PIVC peripheral intravenous catheter
  2. aTime to phlebitis means the duration between insertion of the catheter and detection of phlebitis
  3. bTime to removal means the duration between insertion and removal of the catheter