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Table 1 Initiatives by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) to promote AI in medicine

From: The advent of medical artificial intelligence: lessons from the Japanese approach


Initiatives spearheaded by the MHLW

Genomic medicine

Establishment of the Center for Cancer Genome Information Management within the National Cancer Center and aggregate genome information

Creation of a central information database from which clinical and genetic information would be analyzed by the Cancer Genome Information Management Center

Image diagnosis support

Creation of a diagnostic image database through a collaboration with various academic societies (Japanese Society of Pathology, the Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the Japanese Society of Radiology, and the Japanese Society of Ophthalmology, etc.)

Implementation of guidelines through the Medical Practitioners Act and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act

Diagnostic and treatment support

Build an information infrastructure that covers a wide range of intractable diseases with research funding from the Japan Medical Research and Development Organization (AMED)

Implementation of guidelines through the Medical Practitioners Act and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act

Drug development

Creation of a knowledge database to locate drug targets with the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation and Health and Nutrition (NIBIO)

Matching pharmaceutical and IT companies with support from the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation and Health and Nutrition, RIKEN, and Kyoto University

Nursing care and dementia

Provision of grants for the development of data collection and prediction tools for early detection and prevention of serious illnesses in nursing care

Surgical support

Provision of grants for the standardization of the interface for interlinking surgical data