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Table 1 Demographics of survey respondents

From: Parental opinions regarding consent for observational research of no or minimal risk in the pediatric intensive care unit


Survey 1

Survey 2


 18–24 y

4 (8%)

1 (2%)

 25–34 y

24 (48%)

29 (58%)

 35–44 y

18 (36%)

13 (26%)

 45 y +

4 (8%)

5 (10%)

Sex: female

37 (76%)

34 (69%)

Age of your child

 <2 y

23 (46%)

22 (44%)

 2–6 y

11 (22%)

14 (28%)

 7–11 y

9 (18%)

7 (14%)

 12 y +

6 (12%)

6 (12%)

Level of education

 Not high school

6 (12%)

5 (10%)

 High school

9 (18%)

6 (12%)

 At least 1 y post-secondary

7 (14%)

11 (22%)

 Post-secondary degree/diploma

28 (56%)

27 (54%)

Work in field of medicine and health


41 (82%)

43 (86%)


9 (18%)

6 (12%)



1 (2%)





9 (18%)

5 (10%)

I have been approached to have my child participate in a research study during this or any other previous hospitalization

 Yes, and I did give consent

24 (48%)

20 (40%)

 Yes, and I did not give consent

6 (12%)

5 (10%)


20 (40%)

24 (48%)

  1. Note: numbers may not add up to n=50 respondents for each survey. This is because a few respondents left the demographic variable response blank. The percentages provided in the table are always of the n=50 respondents