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Table 1 Exclusion criteria for study cohort

From: A retrospective observational analysis of red blood cell transfusion practices in stable, non-bleeding adult patients admitted to nine medical-surgical intensive care units

Exclusion criteria


Not an adult

Age less than 18 years at time of ICU admission

Active blood loss prior to transfusion

Decrease in Hgb of 30 g/L 12 h before the index transfusion

3 units (900 mL) of RBC 12 h before the index transfusion

One or more transfusions 12 h after the index transfusion

Other indicators of active blood loss


Primary or secondary diagnosis of anemia


Pregnant state during in-hospital stay

Brain death or imminent death

Indication of clinical brain death in ICU or death within 24 h of ICU admission

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Primary or secondary diagnosis of AMI

Neurocritical illness

Critically ill patients with neurological injury or condition of the brain requiring intensive care treatment (e.g., traumatic brain injury, intracerebral, or subarachnoid hemorrhage)

ICU admission after routine cardiac surgery

ICU admission of post-operative cardiac patients (e.g., coronary artery bypass grafting)