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Table 2 Summary for ongoing trials of driving pressure in ARDS patients

From: The future of driving pressure: a primary goal for mechanical ventilation?

Trial name (trial number)

Trial design

Primary Investigator (country)

Intervention arm

Control arm

Primary outcome

Phase (June 2018)

DRiving pressure for Optimization of Positive end-expiratory pressure (DROP) [ACTRN12618000554268]

An uncontrolled clinical trial

Stephan Francois (France)

Decremental PEEP as part of standard care, where maximum PEEP for a plateau pressure < 30 cmH2O, then PEEP is set to 15, 10, and 5 cmH2O

Not applicable

Best PEEP level based on the best driving pressure value


Does Automated Closed-Loop Ventilation Reduce the Driving Pressure Levels in Patients With ARDS (AiRDRoP) [NCT03211494]

A randomized crossover clinical trial

Marcus J Schultz (Netherlands)

Automated closed-loop ventilation

Conventional lung protective ventilation

Transpulmonary driving pressure up to day 7


Driving Pressure Limited Ventilation for Patients With ARDS (ART2pilot) [NCT02365038]

A multicenter randomized controlled pilot trial

Alexandre B Cavalcanti (Brazil)

A driving pressure limited mechanical ventilation strategy (driving pressure 13 cmH2O with adjusted tidal volume between 3 and 8 mL/kg of predicted body weight)

The ARDS Clinical Network strategy (tidal volume between 4 and 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight with limited plateau pressure up to 30 cmH2O)

Driving pressure between days 1 and 3
