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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics (n = 232)

From: The safety of a novel early mobilization protocol conducted by ICU physicians: a prospective observational study


Values median [IQR] or number (%)

Age (years), median [IQR]

69.0 [55.8–80.0]

Gender (male), n (%)

156 (67%)

BMI (kg/m2), median [IQR]

21.1 [18.8–24.2]

Ambulatory prior to admission, n (%)

208 (90%)

Admitted from

 Emergency room, n (%)

181 (78%)

 Hospital ward, n (%)

51 (22%)

ICU admission diagnosis

 Sepsis, n (%)

92 (40%)

 Gastrointestinal, n (%)

49 (21%)

 Respiratory failure, n (%)

29 (13%)

 Trauma, n (%)

28 (12%)

 Drug abuse, n (%)

12 (5%)

 Others, n (%)

22 (9%)

APACHE II score, median [IQR]

16 [10–22]

SOFA on admission, median [IQR]

4 [2–7]

Patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, n (%)

72 (31%)

Patients receiving ECMO, n (%)

6 (2.6%)

Patients receiving continuous analgesia (opiates), n (%)

117 (50%)

Patients receiving continuous sedation, n (%)

82 (35%)

Patients receiving vasopressors, n (%)

87 (38%)

Patients receiving steroids, n (%)

39 (17%)

Patients receiving neuromuscular blocking agents, n (%)

2 (0.90%)

Patients receiving dialysis, n (%)

34 (15%)

ICU length of stay (days), median [IQR]

1.8 [1.2–3.7]

Mechanical ventilation period (days), median [IQR]

2.1 [0.9–4.2]

Hospital length of stay (days), median [IQR]

16.9 [9.3–36.1]

Ambulatory at discharge, n (%)

184 (79%)

In-hospital mortality, n (%)

11 (4.7%)

Discharged to

 Home, n (%)

138 (60%)

 Another hospital or rehabilitation center, n (%)

72 (31%)

 Nursing home, n (%)

11 (4.7%)

  1. Data in table are presented as the median with the interquartile range or as a number with percentage in total patients
  2. BMI body mass index, IQR interquartile range, ICU intensive care unit, APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation