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Table 4 Mean differences (MDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the Cognitive Failure Questionnaire scores in patients with/without severe sepsis/septic shock and delirium

From: The impact of sepsis, delirium, and psychological distress on self-rated cognitive function in ICU survivors—a prospective cohort study


Cognitive failure questionnaire score

Crude model

Adjusted modela

MD (95% CI)

MD (95% CI)

No severe sepsis/septic shock (reference)



Severe sepsis/septic shock

− 1.73 (− 5.69 to 2.23)

−2.76 (− 6.65 to 1.12)


1.44 (− 2.69 to 5.58)

0.61 (− 3.32 to 4.54)

  1. aIncluded variables in the adjusted model are history of vascular disease, alcohol abuse, history of psychological problems, and respiratory failure