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Table 2 Questionnaire and choice

From: Basic life support training for single rescuers efficiently augments their willingness to make early emergency calls with no available help: a cross-over questionnaire survey






(a) Call 119 by yourself*


(a) Call 119 with your phone*

 In the afternoon on Sunday, you found an unknown woman collapsed in a station. She was unresponsive and was breathing abnormally. Passersby crowded around you and the woman. What do you do first?

(b) Ask one of the passersby to call 119 and start chest compressions*

 A 65-year-old man collapsed in front of you on an array in your residential area. He is unresponsive. You are not able to judge whether he is breathing or not. Nobody is around you. You have a cellular phone. What do you do first?

(b) Call your reliable friend or relative

(c) Inquire a reliable person what you should do or discuss with others regarding what to do

(c) Go back home and report the event to your family

(d) Call 119 only when you are requested

(d) Go to the nearest residency and ask for help

(e) Look for a station staff first

(e) Keep on checking if he is breathing

(f) Keep on observing the woman

(f) Call police

(g) Leave the scene

(g) Start chest compressions and wait for someone

(h) Other

(h) Other


(a) Call 119 by yourself*


(a) Call 119*

 You and many relatives were at a relative's home for a Buddhist memorial event. One of your family members complained of sudden chest pain and collapsed. He or she became unresponsive. One of your relative reported that she or he is not breathing and appears to be in cardiac arrest. What do you do first?

(b) Ask one of your relatives to call 119 and start chest compressions*

 When you are alone at home, your uncle visited you. When you talked with him, he complained of sudden chest pain and collapsed. He is unresponsive and breathing abnormally. What do you do?

(b) Call your reliable friend or relative

(c) Discuss with others regarding what to do

(c) Call his family

(d) Transport him or her to a medical office or hospital

(d) Call a medical office or hospital

(e) Keep on observing him or her

(e) Transport him to a medical office or hospital

(f) Other

(f) Keep on observing


(g) Start chest compressions

  1. *Desirable action(s).